cats on container

Back to eleventy-base-blog starter project

One thing that becomes an obstacle everytime I want to write something here is the fact that I forgot this blog's setup everytime. I tried to write my own css because I think "I'm maintaining my own blog, writing it using 11ty. I should also write my own css". It's not that I don't like writing css, it's just that right now I should prioritize writing first. It becomes a mental block.

The fact is I like learning new things. I like learning CSS. It has come a long way compared to the first time I learned it for the first time 15-ish years ago. I follow many web developers in insert your prefered social media here. I get excited every time there is a post in my timeline when a new CSS feature comes out. "Hey, that's awesome. I should learn that and implement it for my own blog". Yeah, great idea. The thing is I suck at design. I don't have the skill to manage my css files so that anytime I come back to my own setup I don't forget about it.

So here I am, back using 11ty-base-blog starter project. I think it's the 5th or 6th time I flip flop between using it and writing my own css. I will stick with this for now. Or maybe for the foreseeable future. Focus on writing first. Don't make major changes to the css. If there's any changes from the original repo, use it. Stick with it.

Focus on writing. Be consistent on writing. Anything else is secondary.